Friday, February 26, 2010

no junk food ;;

My blog is starting off - as a 40 days no junk food cleanse.

Today is the day before the first day, I just decided I was going to make one more big change for myself. Living healthier not only intellectually, mentally, but now physically.
I am clearly not happy with the weight gain - and not because of looks, but because of the junk food I ate all winter. Time to cleanse my body.

Tomorrow is day one, going to try mostly raw foods- and look back into becoming a vegan, or possibly going organic. I think if I limit myself to one non-vegan day per week, then it will give my diet enough variety to stay healthy. This one day can only consist of organic/free range animal consumption. Tomorrow is test out being a vegan time though. Let's see what happens. Anyone care to join me on this journey of food, and life ?

Discipline to not eat junk food - is going to be harder. No more convenience eating. I will have to be more aware of each piece of food I am eating, therefore being more aware of my food-and where it is coming from. I also will try to do more situps/pushups/skipping like I used to! TIME TO GET HEALTHY INSIDE AND OUT.

Changes are helping me realize how well I am actually doing. Learning and growing everyday, realizing more of what I was hiding from myself, and not seeing clearly in life. I was already aware - not merely applying my knowledge, and surprisingly it is working. Now it's time to apply this to my eating, and ultimately consumption. It's more for my life to be a more conscious effort.

Change starts by looking in the mirror. Really seeing yourself. Your actions- and the reactions they cause. I am applying that slowly to each aspect of life. Eventually I will be exactly where I want to be.

The best me, it will come.

In it for the long haul.

written while listening to - dj Saigon


  1. im so down...but i dont think i am into raw only or going instead i will reduce eating out ie china food and burgers and increase the amount of cooking i do at home for me and i made cream of assorted greens soup....and i know that the cream is not good but i like has to go....
    i was checking out the special K challenge this morning and thinking about doing something similar. however i was more concerned about doing more exercise and incorporating it back into my regular routine...which i dont have, and i think is one of the factors contributing to my 'situation'
    im down
    jen k

  2. nice.
    well, continue by telling me what you eat !
    we should try to eat the same kinds of things.

    i'm snaking on peanuts [ peeling them is fun ]
    carrots and an apple.
    i had pierogies earlier - bad idea.
    but lots of water.
    tomorrow is day one - are you ready ?
