Friday, February 26, 2010

static systematic drones ;;

Creating static systematic drones is how the government controls future generations. Close to eliminating creative arts in school is one crystal clear example of compressing creative thought. Feeding through the media, with propaganda to brainwash people into believing what they want, instead of the possibilities. Information force fed to society to believe. Flu shots, servings of fruit, violence, ultra violence. Sickness, and ultimate health. Mental illness, when sometimes truth is being forced out. People suppressing truth in order to gain the followers, instead of encouraging free thought and progressive experience.
What is normal ? really ?
How are we supposed to live ?
Please tell me, so I can live life in a bubble. A cocoon of comfort where I am capable of nothing but what I have been told is correct. Never finding anything true to myself, being instantly gratified by money and fat. Trim the edges, let life show you what is really there. Unmask your ignorant ways, and see life. Take other opinions to find accurate living.

Aren't we supposed to be looking hard into ourselves in order to find the right way at the time, instead of one static correct perspective. What is the point of being individual if we're all going to end up as androids. Robots who follow order, and are programmed to create the " ideal " conflict in order to financially gain ?

What have we become ? Greedy for more, and splitting heads to do it. We should be using our time to get answers, and find accuracy in life. To find truth within experience, and applying it to what we do. Each day. Growing. Learning.

Lasting through it all.

Thoughts ?
this one is an ongoing thought, not something I am fully happy with. But opinion helps me to see more.

written while listening to : dj Saigon pt 2 TOP GUNNIN'


  1. word up. all I can say is... Freedom is a state of mind; a state to live.
    This should really be your song-

  2. I'm free
    To change the world to change the times
    I'm free
    To change my life to change my mind
    I'm free
    To have hope to have new ideas
    I'm free to live my life without the pressure of my peers
    I'm free
    To make a choice to take a chance
    I'm free
    To take my voice and make a stance
    I'm free
    And now I know why the caged bird sings
    I'm free to be me so let me do my thing
